a map to home

A Map To Home is a Shanks & Buggy centric zine. It's a small project, but we have big feelings about these captains. We're creating a fanzine dedicated to the romantic relationship between Red-Haired Shanks and Buggy the Clown! We are so excited to share this project with everyone, and hope you enjoy!

The Concept

A Map To Home draws its inspiration from old-school underground punk & fandom zines, the kind your cool older sibling was making in college to distribute their Star Trek contraband to avoid copyright claims.
Our zine is centered around Shanks & Buggy and their relationship as it develops over time. We've got fics, fanart, comics, and interactive pieces like mazes and paper dolls! At the moment the zine will be a digital download only, staying true to the spirt that anyone can access and download it at your local library.

The Crew


Head Mod



Head Mod



Writing Mod

Twitter AO3


Design Mod


Contributors coming soon!


since this zine is not for-profit and will be a digital release we have a flexible schedule for the contributors. right now our timeline is as follows, but might have changes in the future!

October thru December: work on the project begins!
January: final deadline and polishing!
February: formatting!
March: zine goes live!

on the chance that we do a small batch of printed zines, lucky pocket press will be handling our prints for us, and will begin production in february and ideally have orders shipped out by mid-march!